Open Classes

I am currently putting together a new schedule, but in the meantime please join us at one of the classes below in East and West London.

I also teach privately weekly and run events and retreats regularly - head to the Yoga off the Mat and Retreats pages for more info.

You can book by WhatsApp on 07557193119 or

Yoga Workshop at Yoga & Activism event, The Hoxton, 2017

Yoga Workshop at Yoga & Activism event, The Hoxton, 2017


42 Acres, Shoreditch, 8.00-9.00am - book here

Axia, Liverpool Street, 5.16-6.15pm


Notting Hill, 6.15-7.30am

Notting Hill, 8.00-9.00am

Summer Solstice 2017 Yoga Class, Nehru Centre

Summer Solstice 2017 Yoga Class, Nehru Centre

Summer Solstice 2017 Yoga Class, Nehru Centre

Summer Solstice 2017 Yoga Class, Nehru Centre

42 Acres, Shoredtich, Yoga Classes on Wednesday mornings, 8.00am to 9.00am

42 Acres, Shoredtich, Yoga Classes on Wednesday mornings, 8.00am to 9.00am